Founding Trustee Alan Halfpenny

Despite having been left paralysed from the waist down by a previous rugby injury at the age of 36, the late Alan Halfpenny, remained passionate about the game, along with other sports.
Inspired by his strong resolve that those with disabilities, particularly the young, should be given the same sporting opportunities afforded to the able- bodied, Alan, together with colleagues at Richmond Council developed the concept of a charity designed specifically to meet the sporting needs of disabled youngsters and set up READY.
Alan’s widow Mary Halfpenny will be remembered for coming up with the charity’s name READY – Recreation and Easy Access for Disabled Youth. Inspired by Freddie Mercury’s words ‘we are ready’ Mary also wrote a poem of the same name which you can see on our Facebook page.
Alan remained heavily involved with the charity for over 20 years until the year of his untimely death in 2011. As a tribute to Alan READY’s annual charity golf day at Fulwell Golf Club has been named The Alan Halfpenny Memorial Day.