Toby Gold Visits Weston Green School

Following a successful fundraising event by Weston Green School in the summer, the children of Weston Green School in Thames Ditton were privileged enough to have an assembly with local GB Paralympic athlete, Toby Gold on the 9th December.
Toby spoke to children and staff about his life and achievements so far. The children were given the opportunities to ask Toby any questions about his goals for the future. Toby, who had taken his silver medal winning racing chair with him to the assembly, even treated the children by showing them how he fitted into his racing wheelchair, and his techniques for winning. Toby also surprised everyone by showing them his most prized possession, his Silver medal from The Rio Paralympic Games 2016.
Many children, and members of staff, took advantage of this and were able to have photos with Toby and his medal, an occasion they will never forget.
READY really appreciate all the hard work in fundraising by the children